1. Indian Philosophy (2022-23)

Philosophy Optional (2022-23 Batch)

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Language: English

Instructors: Mitra Sir

Validity Period: 180 days

Max Viewing Hours: 225 Hours

₹55000 including GST


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Course Curriculum

1. Foundation & BPF (Big Picture Formation)
Live Classes Info
Foundation Class-1.
FC - 2 and Western BPF
FC - 3 and Indian BPF
2. Indian Philosophy
Recap and Jainism 1.
Jainism 2.
Jainism 3.
Jainism 4 and PYQs
Buddhism 1
Buddhism 2
Buddhism 3
Buddhism 4 & PYQs
Samkhya 1
Samkhya 2
Samkhya 3
Samkhya 4 PYQs and LAWS
Yoga 1
Yoga 2 & PYQs
Nyaya Vaisesika 1
Nyaya Vaisesika 2
Nyaya Vaisesika 3
Nyaya Vaisesika 4 (120:00)
Nyaya Vaisesika PYQs
NV 6 PYQs and Carvaka
Carvaka 2 & PYQs
Vedanta 1 (Shankar & Ramanuja)
Vedanta 2 (Shankar & Ramanuja)
Vedanta 3 (Shankar & Ramanuja)
Vedanta 4 (Shankar & Ramanuja) and Shunyavada
Vedanta 4 and Shunyavada
Vedanta 5 PYQs and SriAurobindo
SriAurobindo & PYQs and LAWS
3. Western Philosophy 28th July
Plato 1
Plato 2. (114:00)
Plato 3 and Aristotle 1
Plato Aristotle & PYQs
Rationalism - Descartes
Descartes - Spinoza
Spinoza - Leibnitz
Leibnitz and Rationalism PYQs
Empiricism - Locke
Locke - Berkeley
Berekely - Hume
Empiricism PYQs and Kant 1
Kant 2
Kant 3 - PYQs and Hegel
Hegel & PYQs
Western Syllabus Analysis Chart
Analytic philosophy and Moore
Russell - Logical Positivism
LP - Wittgenstein
Wittgenstein, Quine,Strawson
Strawson - Phenomenology
Phenomenology - Existentialism 1
Existentialism 2
4. Philosophy of Religion
POR Big Picture Formation
Religious Knowledge - Revelation and Religious Experience
Mysticism, Religion & Morality
Religion and Morality,Religious Language
Religious Language ; Religious Pluralism
God - Attributes , Relation , Proofs
Proofs - God
Problem of Evil and Immortality of Soul
5. Socio-Political Philosophy
BPF and Humanism
Humanism , Democracy
Democracy, Liberty
Liberty and Equality
Justice , Rights & Duties
Sovereignty ; Secularism
Socialism and Marxism
Marxism, Anarchism
Multiculturalism; Caste Discrimination
Caste Discrimination and Gender Discrimination


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